Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Feeding and Housing

Feeding and Housing

21 14:47:14

Dear Crystal,

I am going to get a guinea pig soon so I want to know everything I can know about them. Firstly, how big does the cage have to be? Secondly, what do they eat?


Hello. Thank you for writting and asking me these questions.

Proper food for guinea pigs include dry pellets avaible to them as they need them. You must make sure they have a supply of water at all times, along with hay. Guinea pigs are creatures of habit and you must pick two times a day to feed them, making sure it is at the same time each day. They love an assortment of deep green leafy veggies. A salt lick is a good thing to add to their cage.

A well-ventilated cage that is at least 14 by 24 inches if ideal for one guinea pig. Two or more pigs will need a larger cage, and no cage is ever too large.

You do not have to bathe your guinea pig, but you will probably want to do so occasionally to improve the coat and remove embedded particles deep within the hair. your guinea pig needs to be bathed if you are entering a cavy show. Make sure it is warm enough because they can catch colds easily.