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Guinea pig,travel.

21 14:12:48

Hi! I am a preschool teacher, and recently bought a guinea pig for my class, i only teach tow days out of the seven, but i want her in the class when i am there, i have tow fully equipped cages that look almost EXACTLY alike, and the preschool is less then five minutes awway,how bad is it to bring her to the preschool two days a week?????
thanks so much

Hello Terri,
since you only teach two days out of the week, I think it will be a nice idea, especially since everything is the same as before and I think it will be good for the guinea pig to see some new people and get some new experience, especially since you are only bringing her there and taking her back home instead of leaving her there I think it will be okay. Just make sure you monitor her and make sure she doesn't get stressed out.