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Stressed Guinea Pig

21 13:48:38

Hi Pat,
I have a question about if my guinea pig is dying from stress or not. It all started after she gave birth to 2 new baby boys and i moved the male to a different cage.
These are her symptoms: Weight Loss, Eating less, Hides away to be by herself, She gets annoyed, Is very lazy, and Doesn't want me to pick her up. I'm really worried for her health because my last guinea pig died after a year and i haven't even had this one for a year yet. I love her too much to loose her.

When did she deliver her babies? Moving the male to another cage would not do this.  If shis is within a couple of days of delivery it sounds like she's toxic. That's a common, serious and fatal thing in sows. We don't really know the dynamics of this kind of toxicity and therefore are unable to reverse it. It's one of the reason's we discourage breeding of pets. The mortality rate is extremely high.

Anytime a guinea pig refuses to eat and begins to lose weight they are very ill. I wish I had something to offer you but I am afraid this is a very grave situation. I know that's not what you want or need to hear, but there isn't anything I can offer that may help.