Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > should i be concerned about my guinea pig?

should i be concerned about my guinea pig?

21 14:12:40

hey, i have a guinea pig and i think she is pregnant but i am not completely sure and i am very confused because i have had other pregnant guinea pigs before and when they were pregnant i  can always  see the baby guneas popping out from the side of her stomach.
but this guinea pig i have at the moment, I cannot feel much on the side,  but on the bottom of her stomach
there are hard lumps and it feels like she has a small golf ball under there. is this something i should be concerned about?

Hi Jasmine

To be honest, i am no expect in this area as all my pigs are males.

However, depending on how far along the pregnancy is, the babies should be moving a little, unless the pregnancy was recently.

If you are concerned, please consult a vet who will be able to examine your pig.
