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Guinea-pig will not eat.

21 13:46:13

I've have my guinea-pig now for about 8 months, a few months ago she had two babies.  She was fine after birth, up until two weeks ago.  She wont eat or drink.  Right now she is in a corner of her cage next to one of her babies, her eyes are barely open, and she doesn't respond much to noises nor does she move much now..Is there anything I can do?

I'm sorry to hear your pig is ill. The hardest thing about them getting sick is that they seldom show how sick they are until it's too late.  Having her face in the corner with her eyes barely open is a very bad sign. I wish I could give you a positive answer for what is wrong, but I'm afraid that at this point she has most likely given up and will not pull through.

I know that's not what you want to hear and I wish I had better news. I don't think there's anything you're going to be able to do for her. Thankfully you have her babies with you to help make this a little easier.