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Skiddish pig

21 14:22:04

My little guinea pig is a bit skiddish whenever i try to pick him up.Is there some special way i should be holding him?I've only had him for about a week and a half and I'm a bit of a novice.

The truth is, almost all guinea pigs are skittish at first.  Just make sure that every time you pick him up, support his chest and butt.  If he doesn't feel comfortable while being held, he is not going to like it.  While holding him, a lot of times they like to be put on your chest and just cuddle there.  You can stroke him easily and it is the most comfortable position to hold them in.  He will get over being skittish.  All it takes is time.  The more you hold him and pay attention to him, the more he will allow it.  He will grow out of this and will be a happy, friendly guinea pig.