Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > How do i know if my guniea pig is pregnat

How do i know if my guniea pig is pregnat

21 14:19:29

i was just wondering what the signs of a pregnant guinea pig. My Guinea pig is getting fatter but i don't know where i would feel for the babies (if any)
Can you give me any other clues, hinters
Thanks alot

As far as telling if she is pregnant, other than inactivity and excessive water drinking, her belly will become obviously pregnant because it will be twice her size, and noticeably bouncing around of her belly with active babies by 60 days. The only indication of birth is around 70 days, 48hrs before she gives birth, her pelvis bone (between her legs) will spread to an obvious 1.5 inches. From that point on it is close to show time. Good luck!