Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Trouble pooping, smelly, sometimes bloody

Trouble pooping, smelly, sometimes bloody

21 14:12:35

QUESTION: About a month ago, my 4-5 year old guinea pig's hairs by her rump started to turn black and brown with this smelly gooey substance.  I also have noticed that she is in pain when trying to poop.  I washed her rump area and trimmed some of the notted and dried up hiars from around her rump to.  She seemed to be somewhat better, but just ended up going right back down hill.  Today was the first time thou that I saw blood while she was trying to go to the bathroom.  She also appears to be eating less and loosing weight.  Taking her to the vet is most likely not an option. :(  Ive looked all over the internet and have not found very much helpful info.

ANSWER: Hi David

It sounds like she might be constipated. A vet's visit is the best idea as they will be able to give you something to get the bowels moving and also rule out any digestive infections.


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QUESTION: Is there any over the counter meds i could possibly give her?

You need to consult a vet because the constipation might be a sign of a digestive disorder which will need prompt attention. Treating the constipation alone may make matters worse.


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QUESTION: Well, my parents will not take her to the vet because they say she costs less than a visit to the vet.  So I dont know what to do.

Hi David

I hope what I am about to say doesnt sound too harsh but I have to give my answers honestly.

When you own a pet you have to be prepared for the associated costs such as vetinary treatment. The fact that guinea pigs dont cost a lot to buy makes no difference.

It is highly irresponsible of your parents to allow an animal to suffer so I would re-iterate the need to consult a vet.

A treatment for constipation is 0.5ml liquid parafin but the blood in the stools leads me to believe an infection is present which will need antibiotic treatment if your piggy is to recover.
