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Guinea pig listless

21 14:12:35

I adopted a male guinea pig from a shelter in January and he has a wonderful personality, full of spunk most times. About three days ago he started acting more reserved and doesn't seem to want to do much moving around. He is still eating and pooping, but he seems to be laying down a lot, even when eating from his bowl. He stopped eating his timothy hay also, which he has to reach up for a bit. I took him out and although he normally runs all over the house he ran into the corner and just sat down. Does this sound like Scurvy? His eyes are clear, nothing else looks wrong with him. I just can't figure it out. I had also bought him one of those hammocks for ferrets and guinea pigs and he seemed to love it but now I'm also wondering if he hurt one of his limbs on it. I usually give him greens every day but this past week I've been sporadic because there were some family medical issues to deal with. Which is why I'm wondering about Scurvy. The exotic vet near me can't see him until tomorrow morning, so I'm wondering if there is anything I can do for him before then.

Hi Stephanie

I very much doubt scurvy just due to not eating greens everyday for a week, especially as most dry feeds have added vitamins nowardays.

An injury of some kind would seem more likely. While you wait to see your vet I would give him as many vitamin rich foods as you can for his strength and nutrition.

Please feel free to let me know what the vet says.
