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broken leg and eating habits

21 14:41:40

I got a male guinea pig about 2 months ago and I adore him.  He seems to be warming up to me fairly well.  However, last night he had a fall and now has a broken leg.  The emergency vet said because of where the break in his leg is it will either have to have a pin placed in or be amputated and the third unappealing option of letting it heal on it's own and see how he does.  I was wondering if you have had any experience with this sort of situation and if you had any recommendations of what to do.  I would ideally like to see him be able to keep the leg however I'm not sure I will be able to handle it financially, do you think he will do well if he does have the leg removed.  I feel awful about having to do this to him!
Also, my other concern is his lack of interest in fresh fruits and veggies.  I have tried lettuce, spinach, orange, and apples and he has not liked any of them.  I also have tried numerous treats from the store and he hasn't warmed up to any of those either.  He does eat his hay and pellets with gusto.  Do you have any ideas to help and get him to eat some more fresh stuff?  I am at a loss as what to do.
I would really appreciate that advice from someone with so much experience.  Thanks!

Sarah --

The broken leg -- the bane of guinea pigs.  If you want him to keep the leg, I would try splinting it and just letting it be.  If that doesn't work, and he's still in pain, then I would go with the amputation.  He will get along just fine with only three legs.  But I would try splinting it first, as amputating it seems a little drastic.

As for the food issue, try carrots and green peppers.  My guinea pigs all love them.  If they don't work, then perhaps he's just not a snacker.  Just make sure you give him enough time to eat them -- put them in his cage and leave them.

Hope this answers all your questions.  If you have more or if you need clarification, please feel free to contact me again.  Good luck!
