Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > about 2 females

about 2 females

21 14:34:54

we have just got 2 sisters age 7 weeks a couple of days ago. i have made a large cage myself out of grids and correx so they have alot of space (alot bigger than shop brought cages). We left them alone for the first day so they could get used to their new surroundings and then started to handle them. they were ok and sat on our laps and fed nicely. My concern is that they are obviously going to be quite nervous about us for a while but when i try to pick either up they go close together they start to fight alittle and even nip each other.  Iam worried in case they become aggressive towards each other.  What can i do.

Sorry for my late response as I share my computer and my roomate was deleting my e-mails. Good job on the grid cages! They're so great aren't they? My first question is are you positive they are both females? Next, guinea pigs, sometimes, like personal space. Maybe one doesn't like the other one scrunching up against her. I'm surprised they nip each other. Since your cage is so large, I suggest you divide the cage equally in half with the grids. Then proceed to give each pig attention. It's important you use the grids so they can still smell and see each other. Once they are used to you, remove the grids, and see if it continues. I hope this helps. It sounds like to me you have a case of "pig space violation." Let me know if you need anything else. Have a nice day! :)