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keeping guinea pigs inside

21 14:34:53

I would like to get 2 guinea pigs but i live in a flat. I have a large kitchen and will let them run about in a run with fresh grass and hay daly. The is some grass land that i can also some times use on weekends and sit out with them. Will this be ok to keep them like this.  

Hello! As long as your two guineas are safe and secure in your kitchen you are fine. If you don't mind them smelling and pooing and peeing in the section of the kitchen you have cornered off then that's fine. I would personally buy a cage to keep them in as it might be easier for you to clean. Many people will turn their closet into a guinea pig hut and put ledges and stuff for them to climb on and see. As long as it's big enough and secure for them to have fun and stretch and have their water bottle and their hay and their friend they are as happy as can be. Bringing them outside will be fun for them and just check to make sure they don't have any ticks or fleas when you bring them back inside. All the grass and stuff will make them feel so happy that they will run around and play with each other probably. It seems that you already know a lot and will be a good pet parent. :-) Good luck and keep me posted. I would love to see pictures when you get everything set up.