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is my hamster ill?

21 14:25:20

My hamster has lost fur on her back and has two small grey scabs she is only about 1 year old and i dont no weather to be worried. Could she just be catching herself on something or is it seris. I could be over worried as my guinea pig has just died and im finding it so hard to believe as she was 4 years old and died at the vet. Is my hamster to be worried about do iu take her to the vet?

It sounds like your hamster may have mange mites. The type of mites that your hamster has live under the skin and cause severe scratching until they scratch their skin raw. They also lose fur and their skin looks scaley looking. You need to take your hamster to a vet to get a shot of ivermectin to get rid of the mange mites. they can easily be treated by a vet. good luck and keep me posted.