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old guinea pig

21 13:49:22

My old boy Sandy approx 7 years old has been thin for a while now, but has been eating and has had his teeth clipped.  The past 3 days he has been salivating, looks very thin, is very weak and his eyes are 'fadeing'.  Is there anything I can do for him, or should I just isolate him, keep him quiet and let nature take it's course?  I have breast cancer and cannot get him to the vet.

well at seven years he has done well. the most probable condition is pnemonia, given his age and would symptoms. there is not that much that you can do really that would be considered worth doing. if you have any or can get any i recommend treating him with baytril. baytril is an antibiotic and there is a reasonable chance that it will treat his illness, also carrots are good for fattening guinea pigs up, and while that will not cure him or treat him it will at least help fight the wieght issue. I would isloate him whatever you decide though as what he has may be passed onto the others