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Guinea Pig Cold

21 13:53:42

I want to know if my guinea pig has a cold. Lately, he has been sneezing:yesterday he sneezed practically every 2 seconds,today he did not sneeze at all. I have seen stuff coming out of his nose:either solid or clear discharge. I cannot be sure that he is not sticking his nose into something because I am at school during the day.I am prepared to take him to the vet. Please tell me if I need to. Thanks!!

Hi Randy, Your guinea pig may have a cold but he may also just be sneezing. Guinea pigs sneeze just like humans do if there is a lot of dust they sneeze like crazy. As soon as you can pick up your guinea pig and listen to his chest if there is a clicking noise or he has wheezing or trouble breathing take him to the vet immediately or if you here lots of coughing these are all signs of a cold that could lead to pneumonia.
I hope this helps
P.S. i hope your guinea pig is all right.