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My two male cavies

21 14:23:21

I brought a new male into my other males first male is CoCo and he is almost a year old...the new one is Frankfurt...he is about 6 months old....they got along after the first few, Frankfurt is being a bully and keeps kicking Coco out of his home, stealing his food, not letting him eat...etc...I do not know what to do.  I have a BIG open cage with two sep. houses and two food dishes and two water bottles...opposite ends of the cage...I do not know what to do as I think its making CoCo stressed...please help!!

Hello Terri,

Unfortunantly, as their relationship develops, sometimes one piggy will become a bully. If Frankfurt is bullying Coco, they will need to be separated. They should be placed so they can see, smell, and talk to each other, but it's probably best they no longer share a cage. It's not fair for CoCo to be constantly harrassed. Good luck!
