Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > piggy with cevical lympandenitis

piggy with cevical lympandenitis

21 14:05:23

so this girl has huge swollen glands, TX. with chloramphenical, syringe feeding, sub=q fluids. pain meds..about 10 days now...needle aspirations show no abscess, only lymph cells 5 done.syringe feeding wants to remove lymph nodes when doping biopsy if no abscess..any other options to surgery? Know any EXPERT piggy vets in Sonoma/Marin co. California?  HELP i dont want to lose my girl!!

Hi Marcia

That all sounds quite complicated and I am not a vet lol. Behaviour is more my forte.

I live in UK so dont know anything about vets in US. From what you say surgery is the only option but in your position I would be guided by the vet.
