Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > guniepig


21 13:42:39

okay, well i found you online and i just need some advice my gunie pig is not eating or drinking, and she seems not to be using the bathroom, i need you advice in what to do so can you please help ?

That's very little information to go on, so if you can bear with me I need to know a bit more. First of all how old is he? Guinea pigs do not have a long life span,usually about five years. It's always a bad sign when they stop drinking and eating. Not going to the bathroom is a result of the reduced intake of food and water.

You can try giving her some Gatorade in her water to see if it will help hydrate her. If you can find some Critical Care you can put that in a separate water bottle. She may need to be fed with a syringe if she's not willing to take it on her own. You might also put some wet lettuce in her cage. They usually will take that and the water both in and on the lettuce with help as well.

Without knowing what the cause is or how old she is I'm only able to guess at what may be going on. I wish I could give you something absolute and give you a magic fix.