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21 14:26:22

My guinea pig has gone off normal food such as veg and carrots, he also sometimes refuses and he has lost alot of weight he is 460g and his 10 months. he can't seem to eat the food but when he feels up to it he will eat veg baby food so we can fatten him up, but when he doesn't want any more he will go to his corner and just stay and refuse to eat anymore then 3 teapoons. He has also had a fungal/infestaition as he has gone bold on his rear end, but know we can see how badly skiny he is, he also walks and squeaks as his rear end is in the air with him walking on tip toes, he looks slighty stiff, the only thing he eats by himself is his dry food, but doesnt seem to be biting off the hay or any other food.
we do Not know whta this is, i have looked plenty of stuff up, and he has signs of malocclusion but thats in possable if his eating his dry food so it can't be his back theeth it seems his having trouble with picking up vegs and stuff but then fine with his dry but we have checked his frount theeth and their fine.
he also has signs for vitamin def but he isent as bad as bad as the signs are half the stuff he has and hasen't.
we are very confused to what to do and what is wroung with him, we can't relly take him to the vet unless this is totally nessesry!
please help
his main syptoms are massive weight loss,finding it hard to eat usal veg but eats dry, walks very high and ridgid and uncmftable walking, also refusal to eat sometimes.
poos are normal just slighty smallerand he is uranating, please tell me as much information that will help me and tell me what to do and what it may be?
thank you  

Hello Amy,

Just because he's eating pellets and his front teeth look ok doesn't mean it isn't malocclusion. He does sound like he may have an early case of scurvy or other vitamin or mineral defiency which has probably been caused by his refusal to eat. If he is going bald and you suspect mites or fungal infection, he needs to go to the vet, both of those things are deadly if left untreated. A number of very serious illnesses can cause them to not want to eat and not eating can in turn cause a number of very serious defiencies. He needs to go to the vet as soon as you can get him there. It is totally neccessary this time. There is something very wrong with him and from his symptoms, it sounds like it is something that will likely kill him if not taken care of. This could all be the result of his possible mite or fungal infection and nothing very difficult to treat, but that will need to be treated. I can totally understand the "can't afford it unless we have to" thing, unfortunantly this is one of the "have to" times. Hopefully the visit and treatment won't cost too much. Good luck. I hope your piggy gets well soon.
