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White urine

21 14:39:58

The vet told me it was normal for GP to have cloudy urine, but should not be milky. One of my piggies has always had whits mikly urine. She does squirt alot, especially when startled, annoyed or excited. She raises her bottom and does a few squirts, kind of like a skunk. She does not seem in pain when doing so, as she does not squeek or complain. I am concerned that she is losing too much calcium or will get stones. I have changed pellets 3x and she gets a good variety of fresh food. She does not drink nearly as much as my other piggy. Should I be concerned? If so, what to do?

Hello Anne,

If your guinea pigs urine is a milky white, then that is indicating that she has too MUCH calcium, and may get a bladder stone!

In case your pig does have too much calcium in the diet, here are a few tips to reducing the calcium intake:

1. Guinea pigs over 12 months of age should be fed a timothy-based pellet diet (pigs under 12 months should be fed an alfalfa-based diet, because the additional calcium from the alfalfa is used for bone development). Oxbow's Cavy Cuisine or Kaytee's Timothy Complete are good timothy-based pelleted diets.

2. Guinea pigs over 12 months shouldn't be fed alfalfa hay (again, because of the calcium) however, it can be fed occassionally to a pig under 12 months. Timothy hay, or another type of grass hay (orchard grass) are better alternatives.

3. Be careful of veggies that are high in calcium (such as parsley); they should be fed in moderation only. This site lists the vitamin C content and calcium content for a specified fruit or veggie.

Hope this helps you, Arielle.