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widowed pig

21 14:39:58

Hi Andy,
Up until yesterday, we had 2 male pigs, Max and Spock, but Spock had to be put to sleep, owing to some kind of intestinal infection that couldn't be cured. I brought Max along to the vet to be checked, and am following her recommendations to make sure he doesn't get sick. The problem is, that he will be our last pig. My husband doesn't want anymore. I'm concerned about Max being lonely. I don't want to give him away because I could never trust that he wouldn't be abused.
What can I do to keep him from being lonely? My family already has been instructed to pet him and talk to him whenever possible. I make a point of picking him up several times a day, and am taking him to watch a little quiet television with me for a short time in the evenings. He is in a part of the house that is busy, but not noisy. Can you make any other suggestions? Thanks very much in advance.

Hi Ronnie

The steps you have taken to keep Max from being lonely  are all excellent. The main thing is to make sure he gets as many cuddles and "lap times" as possible.

Other than that, you are doing the right thing, apart from convincing your husband to get more pigs!
