Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Shows


21 13:39:22

Are there any shows in Tennessee

If you go to American Cavy Breeders Association website you will see 'services' at the top of the page. Click on that, then on the left you'll see 'upcoming shows'. Click on that and it takes you to a list of shows all over the country.

Tennessee is in District 9.  There is a show in Knoxville on May9th. It lists the show secretary's name, address, phone number and email. You can contact her for details. If you've never seen a cavy show it will be a fun day for you. There are always pigs for sale at much cheaper prices than you will ever see at a pet store. There are also show quality babies for sale and often cages as supplies, some used and some new. Hope this helps.