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Sneazing and vomiting

21 14:40:30

Hello, we are in need of some help!

We have had an albino guinee pig for about two years and ever since we gor her she has shared the cage with our rabbit which we got on the same day as well, they stay outside in the summer and indoors when the tempreture drops. They have a good diet inc dry food and carrots and the cage is cleaned once a week(lined with newspaper, hay and woodchip)Today i went to their cage to feed them and i noticed the guinee pig was perfectly still, this was unusual as she is always running around, when i picked her up she seemed quite dopey and notice that she had woodchip all over her mouth( maybe she was eating it?) we also noticed that she was having lots of discharge coming from her nose and mouth when she was sneazing(clear frothy with bubbles with a smell of vomit)we have nov cleaned her up and given her lots of water but she is not eating, she seems to be very weak and cold, please can you help! My local vet is useless!

Waiting for reply.....

Ania --

Well, if your vet is useless, I would recommend finding another vet.  Seriously, this animal is probably going to require antibiotic treatment and you will need a vet to prescribe them.  I would call around until you find a vet with a specialty in "pocket pets", which is the category guinea pigs fall into.  I culd give you medical advice, but really, you should see a vet with something this serious.  

Also, I wuold recommend separating your guinea pig away from your rabbit, in case whatever he has is contagious.

Hope this is helpful, and I'm sorry it's not exactly the answer you're looking for.  Good luck!
