Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Hey Amy....

Hey Amy....

21 14:43:42

Amy I am doing a research on Guinea Pigs for one of my classes in school... and i need to know some stuff... I am proberly only aloud to ask you one question... i don't know

What do guinea pigs really need to have a good home and good food available?

Thanks....           BreeAnne


Thank you for your question!

The reason why guinea pigs need a good home and good food available is just the same as we as humans do! A good home provides them with warmth, security, a place to sleep, comfort, and so forth. Good food provides them with the proper nutrients and vitamins needed. These two things keep a guinea pig alive. If a guinea pig does not have a good home. They are prone to flus, colds, illness's, diseases, unhappiness, depression, lethargy and this also results in not eating, the guinea pig could eventually die.

If they are not given good food, they will not be given the proper nutrients, vitamins and so forth that they need. These things can also result in cathinc illness's, diseases, and of course starvation, which results in death.

I hope this answers your questions!
