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Jumping in cage

21 14:17:19

i have recently got a male GP and he is brilliant! He sits and  talks softly to you when you pick him up and when i have him with me he will put his paws up om me ( i think he is trying to be dominant . It's when i put him down or back in his cage that worrys me as he starts to go WHEEK WHEEK loudly then run about and go all scatish kicking the saw dust and and running round in circles. I woke up this morning with him doing this. I thought it was cause he was lonely and went to a few pet shops to see if a could find him a fried but he hates other GP's he will just run away and go WHEEK realy loudly and bite if they go near him. please help him! :(


Your Guinea Pig is showing normal behavior. The wheeking loudly, all the running around and doing little jumps in normal. He is showing you how happy he is and how excited he is.

It is nothing to worry about. Your doing a great job caring for him and he is just showing you how much he likes you and all the attention you give him.

It is a good thing with he does that. All Guinea Pigs do that when they are happy, as they communicate with each other through noise, scent, and movement. So you have a really happy and healthy Guinea Pig with nothing to worry about.

Take care now,