Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > how many can they have?

how many can they have?

21 14:07:54

hi, I am only 12 so I am wondering how many piggys can my guinae have at once? I was also wondering how long will it take for her to give birth? Last, how can you tell if she is pregnate.

Hi Melody

Guinea pigs can have up to 8 babies but normaly they have about 3 to 4 babies.
it takes about 9 to 10 weeks after the mating has taken place for her to give birth.
Youc can tell if she is pregnant by.....

1.Her Nipples will be getting bigger and getting more swollen as the pregnancy goes on.
2.She will eat more.
3.she might be less active
4.Her stomach will grow quite large as she reaches the end of her pregnancy.
5.if you gently feel her stomach you might fell small lumps in her stomach they will be her babies
also Makes sure you dont touch them to much otherwise you could hurt the babies inside

Good Luck I Hope i have helped
