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Heqlth Question

21 14:23:07

I have a 1 and 1/2 year old female who is having trouble breathing.  She appears healthy and is currently eating well but over the last two days has developed a loud breathing noise, especially when sleeping.  I have heard the same sound in an older pig and a sickly pig but it was associated with their heat beat as if it hurt when their heart beat.  This is more a breathing problem and is not every breath but pretty often.  You know how they burble a lot, well this sound is a loud version of that noise.  I just picked her up so I could type easier and she got excited, the noise became even louder and then she made a cough of snort that sounded wet and her beathing sounded better.  Changed from every other breath to just now and then.  Can you help?

She most likely has either an Upper Respiratory Infection, or bacterial pneumonia. I have the treament on my website, but she will most likely need antibiotics to cure it fully, which you have to get from a vet. This is my website