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Sick guinea pig, please help

21 13:48:19

My guinea pig is two years old. I was told she was an American Satin because she has short hair and is very shiny. She has started walking funny and kind of wobbling when she walks. She is very shaky sometimes but not always. My friend said she might have some genetic problem that caused this.  What kind of genetic problem is she talking about?

What your friend is referring to is called Osteodystrophy. It's a genetic trait carried by many satin cavy breeds, especially American Satins. This breed is relatively new to the cavy world, having been discovered by accident in the 1980's. It started as a mutant gene characterized by very thin hairshafts that are somewhat hollow, giving them their characteristic sheen not seen on their normal coated counterparts.

Because of the way a new breed is line bred and inbred this gene is still carried by many lines. Breeding satin to satin on a consistent basis seems to bring this recessive gene right to the top and what we see are pigs that do not reach senior weight (32oz) and who start showing signs of this crippling trait after one year of age, although some like yours will not show until later.

What we see is a gradual weakening of the legs, first seen in the back legs. They gradually become crippled and are barely able to walk. There is no treatment and no cure. The only way to stop this recessive crippling gene is by careful genetic selection on the part of the breeders.

She will gradually get weaker and be unable to walk. She may have seizures. You have a difficult choice on your hands. You can wait until her symptoms get worse or you can make the choice to end her suffering and euthanize her before then.

It's never an easy thing to have to give news like this to owners.  I wish I could have given you something more hopeful and comforting.