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She Had the Babies!

21 14:39:50

Thank you so much this info is very helpful. The pups are super speedy!! I have an Igloo in her cage and they spend most of their time in there. I had to put a clean blanket in there after she had them and have only really handled them then until this morning. I picked uo the little guys to see how they were and get a close look and one in particular started screaming, so I put him back in and then picked up mom to make sure she was OK and she was crying, too. I assume it is because she wants her babies and vice versa. I want them to be people friendly, though. So should I handle them, and if not now, when?

Followup To
Question -
First, off my four year old wants to know when she can hold them. Secondly, does mom or her new ones need anything special? Thanks
Answer -
Sarah -

I'm glad to hear you had a successful delivery.  :)  I would not allow a four year old to hold newborn pups for at least a couple of days.  It's not that they are not able to be touched (the mother won't reject them or anything), but I have just not had too many good experiences with young children holding guinea pigs.  Perhaps what you could do is hold them yourself and allow her to "help" you hold them?  Or she could pet them while you hold?  Also, when she does hold them, make sure she is sitting on the floor in a confined area.  Pups can move very quickly and you don't want an accident.

You want to make sure your new mother is getting plenty of food (especially vitamin c) and water.  Also, I would give her a box in her cage where she and the pups can play and hide.  Finally, just give them plenty of time on their own.  This will give the mother time to recover from the birth without too much handling in possibly sore areas.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me again.  Good luck.


Sarah -

They are okay to be handled right now.  I wouldn't handle them a whole ton right now, because you do want to give the sow and the pups time together.  However, I would start, because you want to socialize them as soon as possible.  Just try to ignore the crying and hold them for about 2-3 minutes each.  The sow, of course, is probably already socialized, so I would just leave her in with the other pups while you hold one at a time.

Hope this is helpful.  Good luck, and feel free to contact me again with any more questions!
