Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > agressive guinea pig

agressive guinea pig

21 14:07:45

Hi, i have 2 female guinea pigs, i have owned them for around 2 weeks...they are both females, but one has become very agressive towards the other....she is making a rumbling noise everytime the other goes near her, and also she wont let her go into the guinea house....when she does try, the agressive one goes to bite her and chase her and makes her squeal very loudly. As yet there no wound marks,but we have had to separate them.....worried as what the cause may be.....they were fine together up to a few days ago.....please help

Hi Julie

This behaviour is totally normal so you really need to keep them together until such time as actual fighting occurs.

Sometimes, (males and females) have to go through a ritual where a dominance hierachy is established and this is what is happening here. Things should settle down within a few weeks.

Let me know if you experience any further problems.
