Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Sorry for all the questions but I have another!

Sorry for all the questions but I have another!

21 14:12:07

I read this from

A Regular Routine (no matter what age)
The perineal sac is a collecting place for all sorts of debris (hair, cage shavings, hay) and should be cleaned out on a regular basis. Mineral oil, warm water soaks and/or flushes, and Q-tips work well for this procedure. Make sure you retract the folds of the anus enough so you can see right into the sac (it is quite deep). Your guinea pig won't like this procedure but it doesn't hurt though the smell can sometimes be quite strong! It's possible, in some boars that haven't been cleaned regularly to develop an anal plug - basically a solid mass of debris and grease which is stuck to the anal wall. This can be worked out using liberal amounts of mineral oil to release the edges of the plug without tearing the skin - this takes time and a lot of patience. See your vet if you are unsure!

I have to male guinea pigs bout 7 monthes the pet store lady said, there names are Monty and Duke, is this information true?! If it is.. Im only 11 and Im not sure exactly what I do! Im very responsible with my sweethearts (Im almost 12, I will be on Sept. 13)



Hi again Natalie

You can trust the information 100% on that site. However, I have never cleaned this area of my pig myself so its something I need to look into.

Perhaps you could send me an email to and when I get home I will do some research for you. You dont need to write anything on the email just put subject as "cleaning the anus" I will remember!


P.s Happy birthday for Sept 13.