Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > advice needed

advice needed

21 14:24:31

I have a 11 week old male guinea pig.  He is doesn't mind being picked and will sit on my knee without a problem but he makes a noise what sounds like squeaking/crying sound and i was wondered if this is normal?  He is my first guinea pig so unsure of the noises they make.

Hello Jack,

Guinea Pigs make alot of different squeaky noises and they all mean different things. He's probably just wheeking. That the most common sound Guinea Pigs make. It's a greeting as well as demand for food among other things. Usually a rustling plastic bag is enough to get them going. I'm going to send you a link that covers in detail alot of the sounds and behaviors piggies use to communicate. It translates them to "human" fairly accurately. Hopefully it will help you better identify the sounds your piggy is making.
