Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My guinea pig is really sick can you help me?

My guinea pig is really sick can you help me?

21 14:08:11

My guinea pig has been going down hill for a few days now. He hasn't eaten anything and has lost a lot of weight. He onyl drinks when i put a syringe in his mouth and make him drink. His fur ued t be really shiny and smooth and not it has turned dull. He just lays around all day. He hasn't peed or pooped in a while too. I haven't heard him squeak or make any noise in a while eiter. Can you tell me what is wrong with him?

Hi Sarah

What you describe could indicate a lot of different things as piggies stop eating when they feel sick.

You need to get him to a vet straight away so treatment and a full examination can be given.

He could have an infection, a teeth problem or any number of things.

Good luck
