Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > hay v grass

hay v grass

21 14:19:42

I live in a town and the hay comes in packages which says that it is for small animals. I cannot buy timothy hay and the stuff I get is coarse and dusty.
All my reading says that I should give them hay - a requiremement which they need, along with straights and vegetables, on a daily basis.
Could I substitute freshly mown grass or do they need it to be semi-dried and/or with seed, like in the wild.
many thanks.

It is very dangerous to give them grass that is not from a pet store because it may have dangerous chemicals. The only hay that will give them the nutrients they need is timothy hay. Why cant you get it? Any Petco or Petsmart carries it, as well as most wal-mart. You can even talk to your local walmart and they will start carring it for you. I hope I helped. Good luck.