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guinea pigs and biting

21 14:44:59

i just got a guinea pig for my children yesterday. My son has been bitten twice so far. On one occasion, his finger was bleeding slightly from the bite. Can he get sick or get a disease from the guinea pig biting him? I am very worried about this and know nothing about guinea pigs and what if anything they carry. Anything you can tell me is much appreciated!! Than you.


That is very distressing...

Ok, how old is your son? Younger children need to be watched closely with GPs. GPs almost NEVER bite. If your son was too rough with the pet, he may have gotten biten. A GP will only bit when restrained and hurt as GPs by nature will FLEE first. If your son has not been too rough with the GP and is STILL getting bit, the GP may have been abused or neglected in the past. Where did you get it? Lastly, if the GP is sick it may also bite. If you have ruled out the above situations, see a vet immeadiately as your GP may be sick or have a problem with his teeth know as malocclusion (common to GPs).

Will your son get sick? Most likely no. If the GP is an outside "hutched" GP and has come into contact with a rabid wild animal it could have rabies (explaining the symptoms above of "meanness"). From what you have told me, I highly doubt he will become ill (your son) in this case, When in doubt see a vet (for the piggy) or a doctor (for your son).

Thanks and good luck,
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