Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > is ma piggie sick?

is ma piggie sick?

21 14:22:38

Question1:how much would it cost for me to bring my guinea pig to the vet and get her treated? Or is there anything we can give her from home to make her feel better. she is eating nd drinking she just sneezes a lot nd lays around a lot. So should we take her to the vet?
question2: when ever my guinea pigs hear a bag they always start squeeking really loud, but they always have food in their cage. Does that mean they are hungry or does the sound of bags annoy them?  

Different vets cost different amounts of money to treat animals, you just have to call around and see. She most likely has an upper respiratory infection, which there are some things you could try on my website, . If those do not work, she will need to go to a vet, or if she stops eating or drinking. The guinea pigs squeal when they heard bags because they know that produce comes in bags, so they are trying to get produce from you, it doesn't really mean that they are hungry, just that they would like a snack (piece of lettuce, apple etc.).