Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > i hear.....

i hear.....

21 14:39:42

my guineapig is pregnent and i was listening to her stomach and i heard chewing and felt kicking.was does this mean? and how long do you think she has to give birth?

Amy --

Now, I know you're excited about your guinea pig's pregnancy, but I really cannot predict how long it will be before she gives birth.  I can tell you this:  From the first time you felt or saw kicking, you have about 3-4 weeks.  The thing is, guinea pigs are a lot like people, and they don't always do what you expect them to.  My guess is that she'll have the babies when you're not looking (either away from the house or asleep) and then you'll look and there they'll be.

Hope this is helpful.   If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me.  Good luck.
