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cavy breeding

21 14:44:07

I'm trying to find out if the red-eye gene is recessive.  I want to breed my Abyssinian female to another (undecided) male, I've met a very personable and gentle male but he has those red-eyes!  Will my Aby's dark eyes dominate with the pups?  Thanks for your advise.

Hello Erica and thanks for the question.

Red eyes in rodents are strange as they can be part of Albinism or just "red eyes". They, in both cases, are recessive.

Do you know Aby's family line (most importantly her parents)? If either of them had red eyes SHOWING (they still may carry the rec. trait) then there is a "greater" chance that Aby's offspring will have red eyes. If you mated her with another normal eyed GP, there is almost NO chance. I believe there is very little chance of Aby's pups having red eyes with ANY boar you choose.

Good luck and thanks,
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