Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > wat do they lyk?

wat do they lyk?

21 14:22:47

i got 2guinea pigs a few months ago they were born in july so there atleast 5moths one is nibbles and one is patch there both girls but nibbles always attacks patch and patch dosnt fight back and also what do they play with because they must be bored siting in a cage all day doin nothing somthimes i let them run free on the grass so they can eat n run around but do they do anything i dont want them to be bored! plz reply

Hello Tenniel,

Guinea Pigs love toys. Some of my piggies' favorite things are cat jingle balls and pet safe stuffies. Rodent safe wooden chew toys are also excellent. There are also alot of toys made just for piggies. Check the rodent department of your local pet store and I'm sure you will find lots.

NOTE: Guinea Pigs can't use wheels or exercise balls, they aren't made to bend that way and could break or severely injure their backs.
