Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > piggie chatter

piggie chatter

21 14:04:59

QUESTION: what does guinea pig chatter mean?


Guinea Pig chatter can mean a number of things usualy it is a way of communication between social groups but it could also mean excitement and if they are hungry

But the actual chatter of the teeth sound means that there is danger or they are angry and want to fight.

Hope this helped all the best


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She does this whenever we make a change in her cage ~ does this mean this upsets her then?

Hi Seth
Yes she may be upset because she probably spent hours trying to make her cage right and she probably got used to it, where everything is then you change it and she becomes upset.
My suggestion is to only change the cage when needed and make sure everything is where you left it
And if she continues this behavior then she will have to get used of it

All the best