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guinea pig bleeding and cage

21 14:13:53

hi, uhmm i've read that guinea pigs need a roomate for they are social
animals but then shawntiah told me before that i shouldn't put a male
and female guineas together for breeding is risky, i have two guineas, a
male and female, what should i do then?

--just recently, everytime u woke up in the morning, i saw blood from my piggies urine.. im alarmed! what is it? is it normal that guineas bleed? or do they have a menstruation period? please reply soon!!! thanks!!!

Hi Audrey

Shawntiah is right, breeding is risky and there are so many piggy orphans out there, do we need any more, unless you were to keep the babies.

You could keep the two apart so they can still see each other an interact but you certainly shouldnt let them near each other or they will almost certainly breed.

Blood in the urine is a sign of a urinary tract infection or bladder stones so you need to visit the vet for treatment.
