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ring bell for food

21 14:11:18

Recently I wrote and asked if I'm taking good care of my new "unexpected"arrival.  I 've not received an answer yet but thats cool, I been reading about people who want to train their Guinea pigs to do tricks.  Well I don't know if he's trained or I am.  we've had some very hot whether and since I wasn't expecting to get a gp I have him in a large bird cage I had and he had to drink his water from the bird feeders that were there.  I would put ice water in one and he realized this and drank it first but if one of my kids would give him clean water and not knowing that that dish was purpose to be ice water, I'd hear about it,  From Him.
also since it was original bird cage it has a couple of toys hanging from the top, one being a< "bell".  Well he has learned when he's out of food or water (he has a bottle now) to ring the bell and I do mean RING it. lol.  Also since it was so hot i felt he was hot also and put a small desk fan where it would blow some on him.  Now this is my fan, I use it of night time while sleeping. I was getting ready for bed one night and , took MY fan, I heard him carry on about it for a solid hour!!  Especially if I walked by his cage, He'd climb up on the bars and bark,chatter or whatever it is they do , even louder!! lol  I kind think he's a little spoiled.  What do you think?  My 4 yr old granddaughter loves "her" Guinea pig and has to bring her friends over at times to show him off, he doesn't mind her handling him either.  It's became too funny.

Hi Lou

I am sorry to hear you didnt get an answer to a previous question. I am totally up to date with my questions so either I didnt get your question or you didnt get my reply.

I think your piggy is very clever and its great that your daughter has bonded so well with him. I have never heard of a piggy ringing a bell before which is cool.
