Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > lumps both sides under teats

lumps both sides under teats

21 14:11:19

QUESTION: hi,my guinea pig has a sticky out lump and others inside forming a colum of lumps.they don't seem hopeful of a good outcome.

ANSWER: Hi Georgie

When you say "they" I presume you mean the vet.

Lumps really need checking by the vet if you havent done so already. There may be a perfectly innocent explanation but they fact that there are a number of lumps isnt a good sign.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yes i mean the vet, also they think that he could have some in his chest. i have been told that the anesthetic could stop him from ever waking up. can i ask, do you reckon that it is worth the risk,or should i just put him too sleep when the pain gets too much for him? the lumps have grown bigger over-night, i honestly don't know what would be the best thing to do, he is drinking and eating properly and does not seem in any pain and is happy around the other guinea pigs.

Hi Georgie

Personally I would get my piggies put to sleep if I knew they were in pain but while he is eating well and seeming ok in himself then it seems right to leave him be if the vet thinks an operation wouldnt be succesful.

Putting a guinea pig under anaesthetic is always risky so I am not surprised at this advice.
