Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > gestation of guinea pigs

gestation of guinea pigs

21 14:26:09

we have two guineas 1 girl, 1 boy.What is the gestation period of guinea pigs?

Hello Alecia,

Guinea pigs have a gestation period, on average, that ranges from about 59-72 days.

Also, before you consider breeding your piggies, you must consider the age of the female:- if she is still only a month or two old she is still very young and needs time to grow and have some more nourishment before she becomes pregnant, or else its dangerous to her health.

However, if the sow is 2 years old or more, and has not had a litter before, DON'T breed from her. This is because her hip bones would have completely set by this time, and if she became pregnant the gap in her thighs would be too small for her to give birth, and both the mother and the piggies would die. (Even though this isn't info you request it I like puttin it for people, as not many people know about this, and I like to be safe! ;))

I hope this info helped,
