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stomach blockage

21 14:19:22

Upon x-ray, our guinea pig showed a full stomach, but an empty colon.  The ER vet said it might be old age (she is 4) and her system just may be shutting down or there is a blockage.  Unfortunately, the treatment to find a blockage would be over a $1000. We just can not afford this.  I asked the vet if there was a possiblility of this resolving itself or should be talk about euthinasia (sp?)  I just do not want her to suffer.  The vet said it could work itself out and told us to give her plenty of hay and water.  She is passing stool today and is not crying near as much, but she still "hunches" up and pushes alot.  Again, I just dont want her to suffer.  How many days do you suggest letting this issue try to resolve itself?  The vet we saw was very rushed and busy.(it is an emergency clinic, so I understand) but this is the only vet in town that even cares for guinea pigs so I just want another opinion.  


I would give it a two or two and half weeks to resolve itself. Also you may want to try feeding her a little baby food. It has extra fiber in it and so may help in the blockage resolving itself sooner and make it easier on her. And keep up with the lots of water and hay.

I hope this helps and that everything works itself out for your Guinea Pig.
    Take Care,