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Guinea Pigs shedding

21 14:42:39

Hi, Ryan. I have spoken with you before and you were very helpful so here goes again. We have a female guinea pig who is about 10 weeks old. She is shedding. Her coat does not seem to be thinning but I am finding hair in her cage. Is this normal? I have been very careful to make sure she gets lots of fresh vegtables along with pellets daily. She does not seem to care for hay. She is acting normally and does not seem to be feeling bad. She hops and runs all over the place when I let her out of her cage.

Is this normal or should I be worried?  Also, how do you know when a piggie is pregnant?

Thanks - J.

Hello Judy and thanks for the question,

When you say "shedding", is it light shedding like a dog or cat sheds or is it CLUMPS of fur? If it is light shedding, it is totally normal and the amount of shedding will increase seasonally. Clumps (along with "ranting" which "looks like" popcorning and being happy but isn't) could indicate a skin problem or mite/lice infestation. Check the skin closely for redness and or bugs.

She sounds heally and happy.

Some early symptoms of pregnancy is standoffishness (is that a word? LOL) towards other GPs and steadily increasing aggression. The stomach will distend and movement can be felt later down the term. Other that the "getting fat" part, it is hard to tell.

Thanks and have a nice day,
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