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my pet guinea pig

21 14:23:43

i just gave my Guinea pig a bath and hair cut, and when i gave him the hair cut i had him layed on his stomach is that bad? now he is not moving all he is doing is laying on his side kicking his legs and will not stand up and when i try to stand him up his head flops to the side and he falls, usually i pet him by his butt or on his back and he makes a loud purring sound and he wont even do that anymore! please help i need to know what is wrong with him! now also he wont even eat out of my hands either

Guinea Pigs should never be placed on their backs with their stomachs in the air. Most likely one of his spinal vertabres are out, he will need to see a vet immediately to pop it back into place or he could die from oxygen not reaching the brain.