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why did my guinea pig die

21 13:49:27

my guinea pig had been losing wieght for maybe a week but when i checked it out online it was within the normal ounce and and all sources said it was nothing to worry about. then when i woke up yesterday morning she went from still normal looking to skin and bones over night. so once again i looked online and sources said to check her poop for worms but there was no poop in her cage. so i kept checking on her and her condition stayed the same. she was eating and drinking and moving around but then at 1 am i checked on her and she was dead. i would like to know what caused this before i decide if i should get another guinea pig.

by the sound of it one of two things was the cause,

as your online sources said worms, the other maggots.

these parasites bascially sucked out the nutrition of your guinea pig causing the death, and though you can often find them in the poop you dont always find them. if you check the underside of your pig and see there is poop stuck to its underside then it is likly that it was maggots. often when poop had compacted and got caught in the fur around the guinea pigs anus flies will come and lay eggs in it, then the maggots hatch and move up into the body effectivly eating the pig from the inside, nasty stuff really.

I am sorry for your pet, the more likly cause is worms, which are treatable the same way as with cats and dogs, only you dont have to do it so frequently.