Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Large lump on piggie

Large lump on piggie

21 14:07:07

hi Mitchell

I've just returned from a long trip where my mum looked after my piggies while i was away. I noticed this huge lump on his lower abdomen (hard and size of half a golf ball) and there's puss/blood oozing out of two small cuts to the skin. I am taking him to the vet in two day's time but in the mean time, i wonder if you have an idea what it might be? A cyst or something more serious?? Thank you very much for any info you can provide.

Hi Jackie

This huge lump could be serious It may be a cancer but the chances of that is slim you said she had 2 cuts on her if the cuts were untreated they may have gotton infected and this may be what has caused this lump.
I am no vet so i dont no for sure it may be a cyst
a small seed or something may have gotton into the cuts and infected it.

All the best

Please tell me what happens at the vet
