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21 14:24:11

ok she had her babies 2 mights ago. there are two babies. is there anything i can help her with? when can i start holding them?
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now i am feeling them move. how far is she in her pregnecy?
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Thank you.  I have another problem. :) We don't know when she got pregnet! We got her from the pet store when she was about 1-2 months old. I started seeing the symtoms. eating drinking a lot more than my other guinea pig.  We took her to the vet and sure enough, she was pregnet. They said she must of gotten pregnet at the pet store! The other guinea pig that we have is also a girl.  So i had her on the vitamins before i knew she was pregnet. See i dont know how far she is in the pregnecy. I've felt a couple of kicks. Does that mean she is going to have them soon?
P.S she is now about 3-4 months old.  
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My guinea pig is pregnet.  Is there anything i can do to help her or prepare her in any way?
Make sure to give her plenty of produce, apple, carrots, cucumber, green pepper, leaf and romaine lettuce. It is also a good idea to put vitamins in her water. Other than that you just have to wait it out. Make sure to have a vet's phone number on hand in case she has any problems, if she is over 8 months her pelvic bones are fused (if she hasn't had babies before) so she may have difficulties delivering large babies. Try to catch the delivery, that way you can help by cleaning off the babies if she has problems. The babies will start to move 3 weeks before they are due, so also watch for that. Let me know if you have any more questions.
If the babies are moving then she is due in 3 weeks or less. So start looking for signs that she is about to deliver, such as digging holes, eating dirty bedding, stopping to eat and drink, and also hiding. Most of the time guinea pigs will try to have their babies at night, or when you are not home, but try to catch her giving birth in case she has problems. One thing you may have to worry about is the babies being inbred, especially since she got pregnant at a petstore, if she did get pregnant from a relative then the babies will have clef palets, in which the mother will either not clean them off at birth, or they will die by their 3rd week, and will spit milk out of their nose if you end up handfeeding them. She should be fine giving birth at her age. Let me know if you have any more questions though, my direct email is
When ever the babies first started to move, count from that day to 3 weeks after, and it will give you a close estimate. Other than that just look for signs that she is about to give birth, because she is close. I have some more information on my website about guinea pig pregnancy that may help out some.

You can start holding the babies immediately. Just make sure she gets lots of food and water, it is also a good idea to place uncooked oatmeal in the cage for the babies and mom. The babies can start to eat right after they are born, so keep extra pellets in the cage, and move the water bottle down so the mother can teach her babies how to use it. Other than that just hold the babies a lot to socialize them.